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Detail service delivery record and

client status information

Comprehensive EHR for I/DD Service Providers

Clinical, Compliance, and Administrative systems in One Application.

iCentrix I/DD EHR is a complete electronic record of all clients, their demographics, personal details, preferences, needs, requirements, services, medications and much more.

Designed with close participation by "subject matter experts", i.e. people who provide services, pass audits, administer medications, do the billing and manage operations, iCentrixEHR has become a powerful information management tool for all levels of agency operations.


iCentrixEHR is the central hub of information for all client related details designed with simple access and security in mind. 

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Supported Services Include:

  • Residential 

  • Day 

  • Adult Foster Care 

  • Community Based Day Supports 

  • Family Support

  • Individual Supports

  • Employment 

  • Transportation and others

                  SYSTEM AREA                             


  • Client Database

Demographics, Contacts, Diet, Diagnoses (ICD 10 Codes), Healthcare Teams, Emergency Information

  • Business Office

Contracts, Client Scheduling, Attendance, Billing

  • Medications

MAP-Compliant Med Administration and Tracking

  • Service Delivery

Individual Service Plans (ISP), ISP Goals\Objectives, Daily Individual Progress Notes, Case Notes, Monthlies, Quarterlies and Annual

  • Data Collection

Behaviors, Goals, Objectives and Activities Tracking with summaries and graphs

  • Compliance

Record Management, Score Cards, Audit, CARF and Survey preparation tools

  • Attachments

External Document Storage

  • Sophisticated Reporting

Management, Business Office Data Warehouse, Dashboards and Analytics

  • Integration

HCSIS, Community Partners(CP), Billing


User Friendly and Familiar Forms


To help overcome user adoption barriers we built this system using digital paper technology which allows us to convert paper forms to electronic forms which mimic paper documents. The electronic forms are much more efficient, but if you've used paper forms with minimum training you'll be up and running in iCentrix. 

Using standard DDS and common I/DD documents cuts down on staff training and tremendously speeds up system adoption

Efficient, In-Depth Management Tools

Many time saving techniques have been built into the system to help managers and directors quickly see summary information from large volumes of data.

For example: Behavior data collection establishes targets and keeps an exact track of how clients are doing at meeting various objectives as defined by their goals on monthly progress notes.

Powerful Reporting and Analysis 


No more writing SQL or running Crystal Reports or defining one report at a time, iCentrix system exposes and relates all of the relevant and actionable information and allows for practically endless combinations of views, reports, charts and graphs.

Everything from simple lists, to grant view reports, to business office reporting, to management reviews and leadership analysis is available in this built-in powerful reporting environment.

Ultra Cloud Secure and Safe


Never worry about losing your data or having to manage technology. Your information is super secure and safe being hosted and stored at a large commercial data center with built in redundancy for power and internet.

Your data is kept securely isolated from other's data with additional built-in disk fault tolerance and backups to ensure the utmost reliability possible.

Contact us for more information:

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iCentrix EHR

"For the Paperless World"


© 2022 by iCentrix EHR

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